Track Progress and Learning Analytics with Insights.
Insights helps you know more about how your people are doing.
Using xAPI opens up a whole world of possibilities for understanding your learners. You can analyze a trainee’s session by looking at data on the amount of time they took, the decisions they made and the errors they committed. Gain insight into when your employees have mastered certain tasks and help them learn from their mistakes.
Store your learning records in the Insight LRS - or export to an external solution.
Insights includes a secure and fully conformant Learning Records Store. Store trainee session data and visualize the learning analytics on the Insights Dashboard or your own LAP (learning analytics platform).

Visualize your learner data.
The Insights Analytics Dashboard can be customized to show learners and instructors their learning data in unique ways. Choose the data points that best represent your particular learning outcomes. View graphs, xAPI statements and decision making trees that help you interpret the data. With careful consideration and data planning, it is possible to accurately track progression and training ROI.
Ready to revolutionize your training program?
We’re ready to show you how seamlessly you can create, edit and deploy VR training modules. Our team is standing by to help you revolutionize your training program.
The Motive Training Platform
Want to learn more? Get in touch today!