Augmented Enterprise Summit 2024: Key Takeaways

Last week, our team had the exciting opportunity to showcase our solution at Augmented Enterprise Summit 2024, one of the largest gatherings of experts dedicated to enterprise AR, VR, and mixed reality. The event highlighted emerging technologies that are transforming employee training, logistics, manufacturing, and more. We had the chance to speak to numerous organizations on what they’re looking for in their immersive training and the trends that are shaping the future of the industry. 

Growing Demand for Web GL

One of the hot topics of interest at our booth was the growing need for Web GL apps. Many companies expressed enthusiasm for hosting immersive experiences both in headset and on the web. Doing so allows for cross-platform access without the need for heavy downloads or dedicated devices and opens training to a wider demographic.

As companies look for scalable solutions that can be accessed from a browser on various devices, including mobile, laptops, and VR headsets, Web GL is becoming a well desired option. It’s clear that enterprises are prioritizing ease of access while maintaining the quality of 3D experiences.

Seamless LMS Integration

Many companies struggle with integrating training modules into their existing LMS, or learning management system, leading to time-consuming setups and updates. Our quick and painless approach sparked a lot of conversations about how simplifying this process can drastically improve efficiency.

The ability to roll out VR training across an organization with minimal technical bottlenecks was a highlight for many attendees looking to streamline their learning ecosystems.

AI-Powered Characters

Augmented Enterprise Summit 2024: Key Takeaways 1
The ability to incorporate artificial intelligence avatars into training scenarios was a highlight for many.

Artificial intelligence took centre stage as attendees were intrigued by AI-powered characters – a feature integrated into our authoring tool. These intelligent avatars, designed to simulate real-world interactions, provide users with dynamic, lifelike training scenarios. From soft skills development to complex decision-making tasks, AI characters add depth to immersive experiences.

Many enterprises were eager to explore how this could enhance role-playing scenarios, customer service training, and even safety simulations. The ability to create smart avatars that can react and adapt to trainee input, including suggestions of what to do next or questions regarding company policies and rules, opens new possibilities for personalized and interactive learning.

One-Click Content Updates

One of the major pain points for enterprises using VR has been the time and complexity involved in updating content across headsets. Our one-click content update feature grabbed a lot of attention. With the Motive XMS, there’s no need for time-consuming rebuilds or redeployments – companies can make authoring changes and push content updates to multiple devices instantly.

This innovation resonated with businesses looking to scale their VR solutions while minimizing downtime and technical difficulties. The idea of having real-time content updates without disrupting workflows made it clear that enterprises are seeking efficient, scalable ways to manage their immersive training programs.

Into the Future

This year’s Augmented Enterprise Summit made one thing clear: immersive technology is no longer a novelty – it’s a necessity. Companies across industries are embracing AR, VR, and AI to train their employees, optimize processes, and improve safety and compliance.

Augmented Enterprise Summit 2024: Key Takeaways 2
Our team with our partners at MadXR. See you next year!

As we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible with VR training, it’s exciting to see the level of engagement from enterprises looking for next-level solutions. We’re thrilled to have been part of such a forward-thinking conference, and we look forward to collaborating with businesses as they evolve their immersive training strategies.

If you missed us at the summit or want to learn more about how our solutions can help your business, feel free to reach out to We’re always excited to share how we can make immersive technology easy, scalable, and impactful for your company.

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