Effective ways to leverage AI in XR.
With Motive XMS, your team can get the most benefit out of AI for your XR training experiences, effectively transforming how your trainees learn.
- Our platform utilizes Natural Language Processing (NLP), which detects and processes voice data to determine the meaning of what the trainee says. With this, your team can build out sophisticated branching scenarios driven entirely by a trainee's naturally spoken voice - no more reading out from a list of responses. NLPs are great when there's structure to a scenario where users need to follow a specific path.
- Motive XMS now also makes use of Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMS). Documents are fed to an agent where the AI then processes the documents after a question is answered, extracting relevant information based on the question. LLMS work best when scenarios are open-ended and the range of questions from a trainee is wide.
Combining the two allows us to create "helper" characters that can answer a large array of questions where trainees become accustomed to asking for additional information, thereby enhancing efficiency. Motive XMS and our Storyflow authoring tool enable your team the ability to match these systems in numerous ways, taking a step towards a more interactive, effective, and personalized learning experience.